some update...

It's been a while since we came home, it feels like a couple of weeks worth. I was sure this blog thing was gonna be a piece of cake to update and maintain, having multiple gadgets to do so. Turns out it's more of a entire pie. Pie has never even been my thing really, cake's where it's at. mmm chocolate....

I would like to start by thanking Gene and Dian for maintaining our new houshold, helping take care of not only our little ones, but laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping etc. Wow what help..thanks...

the new york uncle's, Adrian and Rick came yesterday, they dugg right into the mix doing yardwork and making it nice. I can digg it. Can you digg it? Come out and play-yeah.

and every night theres a marvelous dinner prepared by the rest of the famiy, won't go in to detail "since I hear the 'end your speech music' coming on. you know who you are. thank you all..

and another thing; this is my post/blog so aint invited, go bother someone else. I'm busy.

Que alegria siento. Estoy al borde de llorar casi todo el tiempo. sería mi mama y las niñitas tan bonitas que e da la emoción tan fuerte.

Muchas gracias Vivian por tu carta tan bonita. es por esa carta que no estoy 'napping' y estoy 'updating' el blog.

Erik jag saknar dig som ba fan. tänker mycket på hur det var närdu va bäbis. saknar vårt liv tillsammans. från källkar till rullskriskor. fan va fint det var.
Vi ha dig i mitt liv med mina nya bäbisar. Du e speciell.
Undrar om min svenska kommer att hålla ihop..kommer om två år.

papito hay que te quiero...'puta madre' que te quiero.

baby crying gots to go

more later..
